Shinozaki was absent from much of Makoto's past. However, he was always a shoulder to cry on when she needed it. It was this quality that brought them together in the first place. Makoto had just been dumped by her boyfriend and he left her standing in the rain. It was Shinozaki who brought her in out of the rain.
The last time he had seen Makoto was back in the 21st century. Makoto was about to be attacked by a lion cardian. Shinozaki threw himself in front of the attack and was badly wounded in the process. Makoto willingly donated blood and took care of him. After that, they parted ways and lost contact with each other.
Once he reawoke in the now present Crystal Tokyo, he was blessed with the powers of Lord Thebe. However, now that he has found Makoto he is rather hesitant to let her know about his other self. Yet, he knows that one day she'll have to know.
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