- In General
- We are not accepting applications for those under the age of 13. Under 18 are required to provide an email address for the parents.
- Only post in character. None of the hi what’s up to friends unless you are in one of the sites other Forum rooms.
- Only minor cursing is allowed on the boards. No degrading use of it.
- The only sexual activity that occurs will not be overly detailed.
- You will be courteous and civil at all times. As people.
- There is a ten line minimum on all gaming posts in the RPG room. you can post as many lines as you wish, but a minimum of 10 lines...no exceptions!
- You will read all of the game so that you are aware as to what is going on. and where all the characters are at, expecially yours!
- We also ask that you limit character control to only those you have permission of. You can't just decide what everybody around you is gonna do. If you wish to interact with a character, you need to move your character to the topic the character you want to interact with is in, unless you have permission from the member who controls that character.
- When you post, the post must progress the storyline. Although being very discriptive is good, it has to have something to do with the game other than just a character taking a shower, or resting in a swing. While these can be in a post, It can't be the entire post. You must move the storyline along.
- When secondary characters (Characters without players) Are used in your posts, please make sure they are not being used by someone else in another topic in the forum. If you do your reference to that seconadary character will be deleted, and you will have to re edit your post to comply.
Spelling and Grammar
There is a spell checker use it.
Read your post before posting it. Make sure it sounds right, that should help with grammar problems
If the spellchecker is not working, it is your responsibility to check your posts, and make sure that the spelling, and Grammar are as correct as possible
Timeline and Character Whereabouts
Stay with the timeline. If you are at the palace, you can’t just suddenly appear somewhere else.
Pay attention to where you and the character you are talking to are. If you are at the palace you can’t talk to somebody that is in the garden.
Applying For a New or Existing Character
You must fill out an application entirely providing all the required information.
If you are requesting a character be added, you must provide as much stats, powers, and abilities as possible.
- It will also be your responsibility to have background information and to have some story to bring the character into the game.
- If the new character is not meshing well with the others within 30 days, staff will take a vote on it and see if the character leaves or stays.
New Players are under Probation for the first 30 days. During that time staff can decide to dismiss you if needed.
Vacations and Aways
If you are going on vacation or will be away from the game notify us on the board.
- Make sure to include how long you will be gone, and when you will be gone
- Also leave permission for somebody to take over your character if needed.
Do not abandon your character. If you don’t want to be in the game anymore tell us and we will find a new player.
If your going to be away for longer than a week, you will need to contact one of the administrators, either by email, or by IM. You will need to inform us why you will be away, and if you have a valid reason to be away the administrators will give you a wavier for extended leave. You can then assign someone to run your character(s), or the administrators can for you.
Abilities and Damage
You must follow the abilities and stats sheets when damage and abilities are used.
- If you are attacked, you either take the damage or defend.
- If the character leaves before you can defend or counter you are hurt.
You will include your current Health at the end of every post.
Penalties for Rule Violations
Not Posting Within a Week: If a member does not post within a week of their last post and, they do not post in Vacations & Away, they will be sent an e mail asking why they have not posted. They will have 48 hours from the time of the the sending of the e mail by the Senhi at Arms to respond. If they fail to respond, or do not have a valid reason in the eyes of the Senshi at Arms, then said member will lose their character, and be banned from the site. Also when the Senshi at Arms sends an e mail to a a violator of this rule, they will also post that e mail in Higher Ground, so that staff is aware of the problem.
Also as a side note, a post in Vactions & Away is good for a week away from the site. If a member needs more time they need to let the Administrators know via e mail, so that they can be but on the Extended Away Waiver List. If you do not post with a week of your return date you will also fall under this rule.
Grammar and Spelling: We realize that no one is perfect, but it is every members responsibility to look over their posts for errors in grammar and spelling, before they add it to the site . Make sure that you always use the spell checker on your post, but we know that the spell checker is not perfect either. If it is not working then you need to be extra careful. If the spellchecker is down the Senshi at Arms will be more understanding about spelling errors. The penalties for this infraction are as follows. a member is allowed 3 warnings about bad spelling or Grammar within a 30 day period. A fourth infraction will place the member on a 30 day probationary period. If during that 30 days the member once again breaks this rule, he, or she will lose their character, and be banned from the site.
Timeline Infractions: We realize that the RPG can be daunting at times, but it is everyone's responsibilitiy to know where their character, characters assosiating with them, and characters they wish to interact with are in the storyline. A prime example of an infraction of this rule is using a character who is in another topic, and is in a different location. If you want to interact with a character you have to move your character to their topic, not move them to yours. The best way to work this out is to IM, or e mail the member who runs that character and work something out. If you are warned by either the Senshi of Arms, the Deputy Senshi at Arms, or one of the Administrators, 3 times in a 30 day period, for violating this rule, you will be placed on a 60 day probation period. During your 60 day probation if you keep within the storyline you will be taken off of probation. But if you are guilty of another Timeline infraction, your character will be taken from you, and you will be banned from the site.
Stat Infractions: This covers when a member fails to place his or her stats at the pottom of their characters post in the RPG room. If you fail to do so you will recieve a warning. Three warning within a 30 day period will place you on a 10 day probation. If you keep your stats on your characters post duriong this time you will be taken off probation. But if you fail to do so during your 10 day probation, you will have your character taken from you, and banned from the site. Now no one should be banned because of this violation, if you do, well...you deserve it!
10 Line/Storyline Violation: Ok here we are, last but not least is the Old 10 line rule. Plus we are adding to it what we call the storyline infraction. I don't think that need to explain to most members about the 10 line post, but I should do so for any new members who join us. All your character posts in the RPG Room must be at least 10 lines long. They can be much longer of course (heck you cvan write a small book like some members *chuckles*), but you have to have at least 10 complete lines!
The second part of this rule is what we are calling the storyline infraction. It is new to the rules, so I will explain it. When a member posts as a character, he or she must contribute to the story in someway, examples, interact with characters, engage in combat, coming up with a plan to defeat the enimies....etc. In any case your character must contribute to the RPG.
What is not acceptible is if you post as your character and all he, or she is doing is sitting around, getting cleaned up, sleeping, etc. Now those things can be used, but you need to include something more to these such as what the character is thinking of doing once they finish the the task they are doing. Example: If you character is going to sleep they can think about what they will do with another character after they wake, or even, as some have done, have a dream sequence.
But if you just say that your character took a bath, and then ate, and then went to bed, well that is not acceptable!
The penalty for this infraction is as follows. You are allowed ONE WARNING in a 30 day period. If you recieve a second warning you will be placed on a 30 day probationary period. If you commit a third infraction of this type in that time. your character will be taken and you will be banned.