Name: Mamoru Chiba
Meaning Of Name: Protector of Earth
Element of Influence: Hope
Age: 27
Birthday: August 3rd
Astrological Sign: Leo
Height: 6' 2"
Blood type: A
Hobbies: Reading, Jogging
Favorite Color: Black
Favorite Food: Chocolate
Favorite Subject: Physics
Least Favorite Subject: None
Weaknesses: Needles, Usagi's Crying
Description: Mamoru is the reincarnation of the Prince of the Earth, and transforms into the dashing hero, Tuxedo Mask. After the salvation from chaos, all returns to normal. Mamoru finished college and married Usagi. He became King Endyimon shortly after Neo Queen Serenity awakened the Earth from it's state of dormancy and she assended the throne of Crystal Tokyo.
Emotional Control: King Endyimon can inspire hope (His Emotion of influence) in the Sailor Senshi when they are losing a battle, allowing them to regroup and defeat their opponent.
Cane: King Endyimon's cane can not only extend to great lengths (over 20 feet), but can also act as a shield against incoming ranged attacks when he spins it like a baton.
Cape: King Endyion's cape is woven from a special fabric that can protect him, and others near him, against ranged attacks, or in armed combat.
Rose Throw: This attack requires one or more roses. The roses can target multiple (up to 6) opponents, stop any physical or energy based attack, cut through any physical restraints, prevents opponents from taking an action, or knock any object from the targets grasp.
Smoking Bomber: This attack brings Endyimon's connection with the earth to his advantage. Sorta vibrates the enemy.
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