During the Silver Millennium, a mysterious energy wave caused Saturn’s reforming body to split into two separate entities. One of them was Joshua, and the other was his sister Chenoa. They were both taken in by Queen Serenity, and she raised them as her own. During this time Joshua became involved with the daughter of a visiting dignitary, her name was Urami.
Shortly after this the entity known as Void took control of Lord Europa, an influential member of the senshi council. Void seen that the twins posed a severe threat to his ultimate plans of conquering the moon kingdom. So he had his puppet Europa declare them dangerous and called for a vote to have them imprisoned. This vote was very tight, but with his insistence, and a few unfortunate incidents of misuse of power by the twins sealed their fate.
The Queen was not able to stop this decision, and Europa went on a witch hunt for anyone who was deeply involved with the twins. Kodia realizing this placed Urami in danger, placed her in hibernation to protect her, even as the twins were captured and imprisoned.
During the second Silver Millennium, the twins were freed and Joshua, filled with rage and vengeance, seeked to destroy the family that, he believed caused his imprisonment. During this time he was killed by Wicked Lady, who was in his service at the time. As he perished he realized how futile his mission for vengeance was. As his life drained away from his body, he transferred his life force to his sister. This had a profound affect on her in that this gave her increased feelings of anger.
When Goddess Tranquillity awakened within Chenoa, she found Joshua's spirit with her. She was distressed that Chenoa held this extra entity within her, so she offered Joshua new life in the hopes that expelling his soul from Chenoa might give her stability. Joshua accepted and Tranquility reformed him with his body, making him whole once more. All this without Chenoa's knowledge. Joshua found that Tranquility had healed his soul in the process.
After being healed he no longer sought vengeance, instead he felt that he had a higher purpose to be the champion of the oppressed.
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