Character Info
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Name: Hikari Kuro
Meaning of Name:Bright Light in the middle of Hardship
Element of Influence: Balance
Age: 18
Birthday: October 20th
Astrological Sign: Libra
Height: 5' 4"
Blood type: O-
Hobbies: Gardening, Poetry
Favorite Color: Black and White
Favorite Gemstone: Black Onyx
Favorite Food: Cucumber Rolls
Favorite Subject: Music
Least Favorite Subject: Physical Education
Strengths: Sense Auras, Visionary
Weaknesses: Hyperdermic Needles, Running
Description: Hikari is the handmaiden of Neo-Queen Serenity, and close friend of Rei (Eternal Warrior Mars). Although Hikari doesn't remember much of her past, she does sense that she has a higher duty than being just a handmaiden. Whenever an imbalance of power surfaces in the universe, her true self (Eternal Warrior Chiron) awakens and she fights to recover the delicate balance of power.
Orb of Balance: Eternal Warrior Chiron's trademark, so to say. It is literally a yin-yang on a chain, which is attached to a bracelet that she wears. Chiron can summon the Orb forth at any time she wishes and use it to damage targets (mostly by swinging it around and letting it hit people.) The orb is used in only one attack, Divine Judgement.
Dagger of Darkness: (Tanto na kurayami)- Chiron can focus her dark powers as the senshi of balance and create an energy dagger of pure evil and attack. This attack will harm 'good' targets, but can actually heal 'evil' targets if she desires.
Energy of the Heavens: Tengoku-teki na energie)- Just as Chiron can focus her dark powers, she can also focus her powers of good as the senshi of balance. The energy can take on several different forms, but usually is a beam of bright light that shoots toward a target and envelops him/her. This attack will harm 'evil' targets, but can heal 'good' targets if desired.
Divine Judgement: (Kami no eien)- This attack is seldom used, but if it is, can cause considerable damage. Using the Orb of Balance, Chiron focuses all of her power into a gigantic Maelstrom. The Maelstrom can then do one of 3 things. Divine Judgement has been used as a defense by forming an inpenatrable wall of energy, and as a balancing mechanism, sucking extra power from all targets and putting them on the same level. In extreme cases, the attack is used to portal extra forces of good and evil to another plane. In each case, she cannot perform any other attacks during this time, nor can any oncoming attacks harm her.
Portalling: After extensive research and practice, Chiron now has the ability to portal. Power points and health expended during travel depend on the distance she portals.
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Long before any of the other senshi existed, there was the senshi of balance, Sailor Chiron. During the first Silver Millenium, Chiron was a solitary soldier. It is unknown as to whether or not the other senshi knew she existed at this time, but what is known is that Queen Serenity only called on her in extreme cases, due to her extensive power.
After the fall of Silver Millenium, Chiron was reborn on Earth with the other senshi. She led a lonely life, living in solitude on a tropical island. Her memories of her previous life were locked deep within her mind, and she didn't awaken.
When Neo-Queen Serenity came to power in the 30th century, something within Hikari stirred and she travelled to the Moon Palace to offer her services there. She felt a need to be close to the royal family, so she became the Queen's handmaiden.
During the battle with Void, Hikari's memories were partially awakened, and she appeared as the 'Phantom Warrior' to help with the battle. Since her memories were only partially awakened, Hikari did not remember her involvement in the struggle, although the other senshi found out her true idenity.
Now with Hebi's dark plans in motion, and with her friends in danger, Hikari has fully awakened as Eternal Warrior Chiron. She is still not in full control of her abilities, but Hikari is determined to prove to the other senshi, especially her good friend Rei, that she is a reliable warrior.
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