Lady Serenity/Goddess Selene

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Character Info : Abilities:
Name: Chibi Usa
Meaning Of Name: Small Rabbit
Element of Influence: Soul
Age: 17
Birthday: June 30th
Astrological Sign: Cancer
Height: 5' 8"
Blood type: A
Hobbies: Collecting Rabbit Paraphenilia
Favorite Color: Red, and Pink
Favorite Gemstone: Diamond
Favorite Food: Pudding, Pancakes
Favorite Subject: Drawing
Least Favorite Subject: Japanese Language
Strengths: Getting Her Way
Weaknesses: Thunderstorms, Housekeeping

Description: Chibi is the daughter of Neo Queen Serenity and King Endymion. She is next in line for the throne of the Crystal Palace, and the 2nd Silver Millenium. She has a guardian cat by the name of Diana, who when not chasing mice is usually found by her side.

Chibi has infused with the power of the ancients, and has transformed into Lady Serenity. During times of crisis she can use the power of the ancients to become Goddess Selene.

Lady Serenity's Powers
Healing Stone: With this power Lady Serenity can heal someone from their injuries

Invisibility: Lady Serenity can become invisible at will.

Celestial Divine Redemption: This power allows Lady Serenity to call on the power of the Ancients within her to launch an attack of pure energy at a specific target.

Goddess Selene's Powers
Crystal Restoration: Goddess Selene can use her crystal to heal all people within a 50ft radius.

Inner Peace: Using this power an apparition of the tiger Peace launches from her chest and the apparition attacks the attended target.

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History :

Chibi was for a time transformed back into her former evil ego, Wicked Lady. Lord Enmity thought to use her to destroy the royal family but this plan backfired and Wicked Lady turned on him and killed him. Ultimate Healer Faithfullove healed Wicked Lady and transformed her back into Chibi Usa.

During her time spent in the Castle of the Ancients she was infused slowly by the power of the ancients that prevails there. This energy caused her to transform into Lady Serenity due to the Ancient bloodline within her allowing her to absorb this energy. This transformation caused her to age to the age of 16.

At the height of the battle with Void the ancient Peace was delt a mortal wound and gave his lifeforce to her in the form of a crystal...The Crystal of the Ancients. With this crystal's aid she was able to pool power with Eternal Warrior Faithfullove, and the Phantom Warrior to finish off Void.

With the aid of the Crystal of the ancients, Lady Serenity can transform herself into Goddess Selene. In this form she is almost as powerful as Goddess Faithfullove.

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