Sailor Aquarius

Player Information :
Name : Jade
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Character Info : Abilities:
Name: Angela Urawa
Element of Influence: Water
Age: 15
Birthday: September 2nd
Astrological Sign: Virgo
Height: 5' 4"
Blood type: A
Hobbies: Computers, Reading, and Martial Arts
Favorite Color: Royal Blue
Favorite Gemstone: Aquamarine
Favorite Food: Finger Foods
Favorite Subject: Science
Least Favorite Subject: None
Strengths: Calculations, Memorization, and Strategy
Weaknesses: Relaxation

Description: Angela is the daughter of Ami/Sailor Mercury, and Greg Urawa(The third rainbow crystal carrier). Angela is the mental equal of her mother if not smarter. She is interested in learning the Martial Arts to become even a greater senshi than her mother has become. To accomplish this she has been training with Irene/Sailor Io. Sailor Jupiter has given them most of their instruction but they still have a lot to learn.

Aquarius Tidal Kick: This attack is launched by Aquarius kicking the target, then a wave of water strikes the target from the kick doing damage.

Aquarius Blast: Creates a blast of water that causes damage.

Aquarius Freeze: This attack freezes the target and can hold the target in place. This freezing causes damage.

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History :

Angela is happy to be a sailor senshi, but from time to time is really unsure of herself. As the time of the battle of Void loomed she was unsure of herself and the role she would have in the comming battle. A visit from the Ancient Kodia made her think about it and she came around and realized the reasons that she fights for and helped in the battle. Angela loves her mother very much and always tries to imitate her as much as possible, but someday she realizes that she may have to act without her mother at her side and she tries to prepare for that day

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